#18 - Web3 Quests as go-to-market strategy: a teardown

The Wild West of Web3 by BorgoAcademy

Picture this: You're presented with a new app or platform and have no idea how to operate it.

How do you dive in? Do you:

1) wander aimlessly, piecing together clues, or

2) follow a step-by-step guide that feels more like homework than exploration?

Option #1:

Here’s our new app/platform.

You access it, trying to figure it out, navigating through a maze of features and tools without much guidance.

Option #2:

Hey, here’s our new app/platform. Click here to learn more about it.

You click the link and find yourself with a list of instructions, a manual approach to understanding its utility.

What if you had a different - and better - option?

Hey, here’s our new app/platform. Click here to start exploring it - and get rewarded for that.

As you engage with the product, you're greeted with a dynamic quest (or multiple ones) – a guided journey that not only shows you how to use it but also immerses you in its world.

You get to try this app/platform, learn about its features, and accumulate points/rewards at the same time. All this with ZERO risk.

In this edition, we're delving into the transformative power of quests as a go-to-market strategy in Web3.

Instead of static introductions and boring tutorials, we're stepping into an era where engagement is not just about using a platform but experiencing a journey.

Stick with me as we unfold the secrets behind this innovative approach, turning every interaction into an adventure.

Unlocking Engagement:
A quest-driven revolution

This is how AI imagined me going on a quest 😄 

Imagine a world where marketing isn't just about broadcasting messages but about embarking on an adventure.

Quests are redefining the user experience, creating a shift from passive consumption to active participation, where every user interaction becomes part of a larger narrative.

Hey, this is important, so I’ll say it again:

“Every user interaction becomes part of a larger narrative”

The magic of quests lies in their ability to blend education and engagement.

In other words: a new user enters your cool Web3 platform, and instead of being bombarded with instructions, they're invited on a quest.

It's a journey that guides them through the ins and outs of your platform/app/product, transforming a routine onboarding process into an exciting exploration.

This isn't just learning; it's experiencing.

Now, consider the diversity of these quests. They aren't one-size-fits-all but tailored to cater to different user interests and skill levels. From simple tasks like social media interactions to complex on-chain activities, each quest is a piece of a larger puzzle, ensuring users stay hooked and eager for more.

But here's where it gets even more interesting: brands can build these quests not as just a standalone experience, but rather as part of a broader community-building strategy.

How so?

Imagine a user, progressing through various quests, earning rewards, and along the way, becoming a part of your platform's community. This progression allows them to grow within the platform while contributing to its ecosystem.

And here's one of my favorite parts about all this: the quest system can be “self-regulating”.

By implementing quality checks (or “achievements”, “checkpoints”, etc.) and monitoring user engagement, the system ensures that the community thrives on genuine interactions.

It's a fine balance between accessibility and integrity, ensuring that your platform grows with users who are as invested in its success as you are.

With these insights in mind, here’s your TL;DR before we jump into some really interesting use cases:

  • Interactive learning: Quests transform the learning curve into an interactive journey, making onboarding a part of the adventure.

  • Tailored challenges: The variety of quests caters to a wide range of users, keeping the platform dynamic and engaging.

  • Community at the core: Each quest is a step towards building a stronger, more engaged community, fostering a sense of belonging.

  • Rewards that matter: Thoughtful reward mechanisms in quests incentivize meaningful participation, enhancing user loyalty.

  • Quality and growth: Regular quality checks ensure the community grows with genuine, engaged users, vital for the platform's sustainability.

Customer acquisition redefined:
Reaching new audiences

Acquiring new users (or customers) tends to be a challenge for businesses of any size: Fortune 500 companies may be out of ideas, or simply not willing to take risks. Meanwhile, start-ups and solo entrepreneurs may lack the deep pockets to launch a new strategy.

Long story short, the “Customer Acquisition Cost”(CAC) ends up being a barrier.

If we add the “Web3 Layer” on top of this discussion, many companies - especially the Web2/traditional ones may find it hard to reach audiences already familiar with this new environment,

So how could we solve this scenario?

Come with me:

In edition #9 of The Wild West of Web3, we mentioned Nike’s .SWOOSH - the company’s Web3 marketplace, where members can trade, collect, and even create new collections, earning royalties on sales.

Let’s say Nike wants to grow that platform → bring in more users, make sure they can interact with a Web3-based platform, and ultimately do this in a cost-efficient way.







Don’t sleep on STL’s Smart Pass

In edition #3, we explored Smart Token Labs’ Smart Layer Pass. Back then, 500,000 Passes had already been activated.

Right now, this number has surpassed 2,4 million (!!!)

(quick note: I ain't one for bragging, but…. I TOLD YOU SO 😄)

Back to the Nike example (and that’s 100% just an example for educational purposes):

.SWOOSH wants more wallets connected in their platform

→ A quest can be created on STL’s platform, so any user with an active Smart Pass can see it (again, any of those 2,4 million people)

→ As an example, this quest may be called “Go to Nike’s .SWOOSH and connect your wallet - 50 pts)” (and in this example, it can be a “regular” wallet as seen below, a crypto wallet, or any combination - the quests are 100% customizable).

If you’ve ever listened to me on a podcast or at a live event, you probably heard saying “WEB3 = WIN WIN WIN”.

That’s because I truly believe Web3 enables scenarios in which EVERY single party can benefit from.

In our example:

→ STL: Becomes the enabler for new business models, while providing a cheaper cost-per-user/CAC for companies looking for new users.

Imagine being able to “offer” new, active, engaged users for a company’s app/platform/product for 2, 4, or 10 USD. (Again, it’s a hypothetical price).

My point here is - as the title of this section says: “Customer acquisition redefined”.

→ Nike: User acquisition. That simple. But more than numbers, the company will have access to users who are already familiar with Web3 concepts and willing to take actions within their platform.

On top of that, other quests can be created/added (“Mint a free NFT, for example).

I see this as a GTM (go-to-market) accelerator, as the company will be able to put their product/service in from of a qualified audience for a smaller price.

→ User: By completing quests, they can try/explore/learn a new platform, for free, all while accumulating points onto their STL’s Smart Pass, which may bring benefits in the future.
So risk-free, and with potential for rewards. Not bad, right?

If you want to activate/create a Smart Layer pass, click here. Yes, it contains my referral code.

xNFTs: A new era of token functionality and utility

A common “complaint” I hear when it comes to some NFTs collections is that they are nothing but “a static image”.

Well, what if your digital assets come alive, interacting with you, evolving, and even communicating?

This is the reality introduced by xNFTs – executable Non-Fungible Tokens:

In simple terms, xNFTs are NFTs on steroids. They're not just about ownership; they're about interaction and functionality. These tokens are embedded with executable scripts, transforming them into applications or games, directly accessible within the blockchain environment. This revolutionizes how we perceive and interact with NFTs, going from “just” collectibles to dynamic, interactive digital assets.

A very interesting example is found on Smart Cat NFTs. These aren't your average NFTs – they're a playful blend of Tamagotchi-like interaction and blockchain's power.

Each Smart Cat is a fully on-chain derivative collection, and they're equipped with functionalities that extend beyond simple ownership. You can feed your Smart Cat, clean it, and even take it on playdates with other Smart Cats. All these activities are verifiable on-chain, ensuring transparency and security - and those actions also earns you points for your Smart Pass.

Oh, so it’s just a game?” → Smart Cats aren't confined to mere gaming. They come with unique off-chain functions like encrypted peer-to-peer messaging. Imagine sending a secure message directly through your Smart Cat NFT to another! Moreover, these xNFTs can integrate with third-party collaborations or promotions, showcasing a vast potential for brand engagement and new marketing strategies.

So, from a business POV, it’s a whole new channel to interact with Web3 audiences, within a gamified environment.

The Smart Cat NFTs are a taste of what xNFTs can offer. They represent a shift towards tokens that deliver experiences, utility, and a level of engagement previously unimaginable in the digital asset space.

For clarity: I work as an advisor for STL, but what they are building would be mentioned here anyway - as I have done with many other brands/projects.

And one more time: this example with Nike was chosen only because I had mentioned both brands/companies before, it’s not a real partnership.

Spotlight: Venom Network

In the previous edition, I dedicated a whole section to talk about how “Web3 doesn't have to be complicated”.

But I get it: many terms, platforms, apps, etc. are still too complicated for the mainstream audience.

But there are interesting ways to break those barriers and make things like “DeFi”, “Minting”, or “Bridging” much more accessible.

By embracing the power of quests as a go-to-market strategy, Venom Network has turned the typical user journey into an adventure filled with discovery and reward - all while learning many aspects of DeFi and cryptocurrency.

Early disclaimer: I have good friends working in this project. But my role here was to go through their quest-based onboarding process as any other “regular user” and decided to share my experience with you

Venom's method is brilliant in its simplicity and effectiveness. They've woven gamification into the very fabric of their platform.

Users are set on a mission → They are prompted with tasks that lead to minting NFTs.

More than just educating, this approach immerses users in a dynamic environment where each action brings them closer to the core of Venom's ecosystem.

I would say that their task-based learning system turns every task into a building block, guiding users through the platform's features and functionalities.

This hands-on experience is crucial for fostering a deep understanding of Venom’s tokens and their applications.

But Venom's strategy extends beyond its platform. They've harnessed the power of social media and community engagement to amplify their message.

With an active presence on platforms like Twitter and Discord, Venom has created a digital space for ideas, feedback, and community spirit. It’s a holistic approach, blending product interaction with vibrant community dialogue.

Venom's quest-based strategy is packed with insights. Here's what makes it a standout:

💡 Gamified engagement: By turning tasks into a game, Venom keeps users engaged and eager to explore further.

💡 Practical learning: Each task is a lesson, making users more knowledgeable and confident in navigating the platform.

💡 Community at heart: Venom’s active social media presence builds a strong, interconnected community.

💡 Incentivized participation: The chance to mint NFTs for completing tasks adds an exciting layer of reward to the user experience.

💡 Open communication: Regular updates and interactions on social media ensure transparency and keep the community looped in.

Venom's approach exemplifies how quests can be more than just a marketing tool. They can be a catalyst for building an educated community in the Web3 space.

And whenever they launch a new product/feature/system, they’ll have a user base filled with people that are already familiar with their “game”.

Pink Beanie’s note: If you are a designer (UX, Web, whatever) you know how challenging it can be to make a user “correctly” navigate what you have created. Well, now they can be “trained” even before the actual product is launched.

Virtual quests for real events

In a gamified fashion, users have to complete different actions

So quest-based strategies may work for a platform or an app. What about a real-life event?

I got your back!

Earlier this year, NFT Paris used a quest-based strategy to enhance their visitors’ experience - even before they got to the venue.

Yes, they could have sold their tickets in the traditional way and moved on - nothing wrong with that - but since they are a big name in the Web3 space, why not go a step further, right?

Back then, this was their step-by-step:

The concept is simple:

1 - Join the community by minting an NFT Paris ID

2 - Learn about Web3 & discover products by following quests

3 - Get weekly rewards for following those quests.

Alexandre Tsydenkov, Founder NFT Paris

Powered by on-chain loyalty points, this strategy allowed NFT Paris to identify the most engaged & valuable users in Web3, and at the same time, it helped onboard new users to Web3.

From a business point of view, they can now create different campaigns/actions/strategies with this community, based on-chain metrics.

From the use perspective, they had the chance to explore a range of platforms linked to the event, collect rewards, and experience different Web3 concepts without the complexities found in other spaces.

OKX Wallet:
Be rewarded for learning new stuff

“Learn to Earn”

Imagine a space where diving into the Web3 world involved the “earning as you learn” ingredient.

OKX Wallet steps into this arena with an innovative approach, integrating education with rewards.

Yes, it is also a cryptocurrency platform, but it is much more than that.

I would call it a gateway to understanding and interacting with the Web3 concepts - all while being rewarded for it.

OKX Cryptopedia

In the heart of this initiative, you’ll find OKX Cryptopedia. No, not a boring tutorial or guide. It's an interactive “Learn to Earn” platform. It simplifies the complex Web3 world, breaking it down into manageable quests. Each task is a step in unraveling the mysteries of blockchain, tokens, and all that Web3 jargon.

Furthermore, by partnering with various projects, they've crafted challenges that aren't just educational but also engaging. Whether it's exploring decentralized applications (DApps), engaging with new protocols, or understanding blockchain intricacies, each quest is a rewarding journey into the world of Web3.

And if you ask me, I think that having a “trained” audience is particularly smart for a crypto exchange.

But it's not just about the learning curve; it's about the reward curve too. Completing these quests is an opportunity to earn tangible rewards. This strategy of incentivizing learning transforms the typically mundane process of understanding new technologies into an exciting and rewarding adventure.

My favorite takes on this:

📒 Interactive learning: OKX Wallet's quest-driven approach makes learning about Web3 an interactive and engaging experience.

📒 Earn while you learn: Completing quests on OKX Wallet doesn't just increase knowledge but also rewards users, enhancing motivation.

📒 Community engagement: This approach fosters a community of learners and enthusiasts, growing a network of informed Web3 users.

📒 Simplifying Web3: OKX Wallet's initiative is a step towards making the complex world of Web3 more accessible and rewarding for the masses.

Transparency: I have no connections with this company.

The companion for your quest


So, by now you or your company may be looking for a partner to create an interesting quest-based go-to-market strategy, eh?

I know just the right name: BorgoLabs 😃 

But for real: Personally speaking, the “how to create quest-based strategies as a go-to-market plan (or accelerator)” subject is something that I have been specializing in. And I mean that. I have been spending a lot of time reading, testing, and creating on that.

If your product/platform/app is struggling to take its first steps - or to reach the next level, our team can help you with that.

  • Cheaper, easier customer acquisition

  • Engaged community

  • Tailor-made quests

  • Product testing

  • Rewarding journeys

  • “Trained” users

  • Zero risk for users

  • And the list goes on…

In short, this is what BorgoLabs offers:

→ Expert-guided workshops: We're talking about a deep dive into discovery, ideation, prototyping, and execution. We're the brands’ co-pilots on this journey, and make sure the quests speak to your audience - and new ones.

→ Tailored strategies: With our team’s hands-on experience, we're crafting Web3 strategies that actually work. No fluff, just actionable insights aimed at real business challenges.

→ Collaborative innovation: Through comprehensive online workshops, we're sharing the knowledge and expertise brands need to truly adopt Web3.

If you feel we can join forces, drop us a message.


Walking the talk” is a section in the Wild West of Web3 I will dedicate to projects I am directly involved with or to share things I actually apply in my life, and not just talk about.

No bullsh*t, no sugar coating. Real talk.

eesee: A quest with Pink Beanie

In the previous edition, I added a quick “Bonus content” section about eesee - a next-generation gamified SocialFi platform and digital assets marketplace that accelerates sales, provides additional liquidity, lowers the cost barrier to enter the market, and facilitates community growth.

I am advising this project on the “quests” aspect - and as I mentioned a few lines above, that’s something that I have been investing my time in.

In short eesee, helps boost demand for assets using gamified trading processes - or as we have seen today, it’s a quests-based strategy.

You can access the eesee’s testnet right now using this link. And if you do so and end up joining the platform, I invite you to use this referral code: ESE-2I60-9Q4P.

The project is in its Season 1, but you can already earn points through in-app activities and quests. The more active you are, the more challenges you complete, the more points you'll accumulate. And the best ranked can secure exclusive prizes for their efforts.

Even though it’s Seasons 1 eesee has already hit a huge milestone – over 100,000 wallets are now connected!

In just the last month, these wallets transacted over $12M in volume, holding a total of $15M+ in assets.

And that’s only a TestNet. Imagine when it goes live!

As I always say we got to “Walk the Talk”, so here I am with eesee.


“Open discussion” is the section I’ll use to share ideas, views I have about stuff being developed, and how I envision the different areas within the Web3 environment.

Endless possibilities, but in the real world

In the Web3 space, a common phrase (and I have used it a few times) is that “anything is possible”.
I understand that some may see this as an exaggeration, but when it comes to Quests as a go-to-market strategy and the amount of new business models it enables, I truly believe the opportunities are endless.

When we think about quests in the Web3 space, what really gets me fired up is the diversity and depth they bring to the table.

From simple tasks like social media interactions to more complex, on-chain activities, there's a spectrum of engagement that can cater to just about anyone, from crypto newbies to degen mfers with crazy PFPs.

Let's break it down further:

The real beauty of these quests lies in their ability to transform mundane tasks into compelling stories. Think about it: instead of the usual, “Hey, follow us on Twitter,” it's more like, “Join us on this epic journey, and let's unlock some mysteries together”. It’s a narrative that turns users into protagonists of their own Web3 adventure.

Now, consider the potential ripple effect → By participating in these quests, users aren't just engaging with a platform; they're weaving themselves into a growing, active community.

But here’s something I really enjoy talking about: the scope of these quests goes way beyond digital rewards or NFTs. We're talking about building genuine relationships and trust. In a world where digital interactions often feel fake and superficial, quests offer a chance to create something more meaningful, and more lasting.

If Gamification was V1, Questing is V2 and a powerful growth lever that I see being baked into all future customer journeys

Mathew Sweezey, Chief Strategy Officer at Smart Token Labs

So, when I say the possibilities are endless, I’m not trying to convince you about a new cool Web3 term.

We're standing at the forefront of a new era in digital engagement, one where creativity, community, and collaboration come together in a symphony of experiences. And that, my friends, is the real-world impact of Web3 quests as go-to-market strategy:

An environment where every click, every interaction, and every decision opens the door to new adventures, new connections, and new horizons.

Are you ready for it?

So that’s the end of today’s quest.
See you next week!

Diego Borgodio